
Sunday, 13 January 2013

I came across this beautiful Reversible bag  video in YouTube by Debbie Shore, and  I thought it is amazing, I didn't wait too long to have a go. so here is Take one :).
You will need three different  types of fabric measured as follows:
The outside piece 19 inches across and 10 deep cut 2, and another two from a different colour fabric.
Top part 13 inches across and 4 deep cut four pieces;
The handles 20-22 across and 3-4 deep cut 2 pieces.

and here is the video :) Happy sewing!


  1. Τhank you so much for the tutorial and the video!!! Your bag looks fantastic, just like the one Debbie showed us... love your blog, as a beginner as i am, i have many interesting things to learn from you!!!

  2. Dear Katrina,

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It was my second bag, the Fabric i used for this little project wasn't great though, I delibratly used different colours in order to remember which piece goes where! I found YouTube videos the best way to learn.

    Happy sewing.


  3. This is a great little bag. The construction technique is very efficient. Thanks for the video link.
