
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Is sewing truly a therapy?

Oh, this is a nice subject. Been thinking about it lately,..I guess the need to get into sewing is the real issue, why do we sew?.
I often question myself why bother?.. it is cheaper to get ready made cloths, beautiful, faultless and to my taste, OK! Sometimes expensive, but it gives me more joy , pleasure and confidence.SO,why do I bother spend hours in front of the sewing machine (I also spend hours in front of my computer). Doesnt this drag you  to loneliness? 

Oh well, I guess the tip is to treat sewing as a hobby and not as a Job, IF we want to enjoy it. Sewing it is meant to be therapeutic not making you getting stressed, your mind has to be cleared, we are supposed to be loving what we are making and not releasing that anger. To be honest, if I ever feel like things are not in order, sewing could make things worse, and a start to a bad day and here is the tips from Singer as the first steps of preparing for the sewing to be enjoyed, very cleverly put in no particular ORDER! :)

I enjoy sewing, it has a calming effect and makes me more orgonised and creative. Most importantly, is the joy after you finish the project and how beautiful a new born project would look.x


  1. Hi Bella,

    I love the excerpt from the Singer manual.. Have your hair in order, powder and lippie on.. here I am sitting at my sewing bench with my trackies on, hair up with a pencil in it and pink fluffy slippers.

    I do find sewing therapeutic; I love nothing better than sitting in front of my machine or bench and just sew the day away. This would have to be my most favourite spot in the house. I would love to make a living out of it but alas I sooo don't have the skills so enjoyment it is. Yes we could buy cheap clothes etc but that would be missing the point - we made it ourselves.



    1. Hello Stephanie,
      I totally agree, the point is we made it ourselves, lived every step and know it is unique & made by us :) HOW wonderful it is when the garment is finished looking perfect and ready to be worn.I am glad I found this hobby. Happy sewing.

  2. Hi Bella, I remember reading that book years ago - I'm afraid if I followed it's advice, I would never get any sewing done. I am now making sure I do a bit every day - even if not enthused about it - the therapy student in me knows that part of doing anything well is doing it and mastering it, even when you don't feel like it :-)

    1. Hello Sarah,

      I am happy to read you, and the joy you are getting out of this lovely hobby. I agree, doing a bit every day helps you learn and stay connected. IF you leave it, it will leave you :), the more you sew, the more you learn, and the more you love it and it will eventually be a love from both sides!

      Happy sewing.


  3. Great post, Bella! Sewing is my break after a hard work week, and indeed my therapy time. And the hours just disappear when I am sewing - and lippie isn't in sight! When I am not sewing, I love to peek at what everyone else is whipping up - still without the lippie on!!!

  4. I love my home sewing time because I don't have to dress up or have everything else done. I find doing patchwork is a little more relaxing than garment sewing. There is a bit more pressure to get it right when you want to wear it out. I have made some new friends sewing and blogging. Quite a few of us Brisbane bloggers bloggers are getting together once a month to sew in person. We are quite far fling around Brisbane so I never would have met them except for the computer. Same with finding you. Great to 'meet' you Bella.
